Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Changing Times

It is interesting what people remember from their past.One ninety year old, when asked what was the best Christmas gift she ever got, showed me her engagement ring. If I was asked I would say it was my first Christmas tree when I was about 5 years old. We all remember something that made a lasting experience in our lives. Other people have told me it was the time when they accepted the Lord. I am going thru a time of change in my life where the things that I thought were fixed and dependable have evaporated.
How do you hold on when you run headlong into a major change?

Monday, June 9, 2008


Affection is a word that is hard to pin down.  A good example is our house cat  or any animal.  They like to be petted.  But I guess people are alot like that too.  We need affection because if we don't get it things just don't go right.  But what does affection do?  And without it how does it affect us and why.  Can we lose affection and jwhy.  Does anybody have the answers.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday June 8, 2008

The hot weather has arrived.  Went to church in the little town of Fairview.  There were about 30 or so people there.  The visiting preacher was from Corning New York.  His wife was there also and he said a neat thing about her.  He said she was his best friend and you could tell he really meant it.  Who is a best friend?  We have probably had best friends all of our lives but is it your spouse.  I think that is very special.  We can probably think of married couples who are not friends with each other.  How can we call Jesus out friend and not  be friendly with our spouse.  Of course how can you be friends with some one you don't like.  We have found out recently that politics makes strange bed fellows but that is politics.  Just get out and vote.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 4

I was told today that I haven't blogged lately.  Well I broke my hand and it hurts.  I listened to a radio perogre this morning on God's promises.  You know that all his promises have come true.  Boy I sure can't say that about my promises.  You know it would be better if we never made any promises.  But we couldn't do that. 
Today I got 100 feet of 4 inch drain hose for my  back yard project.  I can't install it until my hand gets better.  It 's part of the same project that broke my hand. 

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday May 1, 2008

Today we went to a church in a small rural town in rural western Pennsylvania.  We drove 30 miles and did not encounter another vehicle.  Flowers, newly plowed farm land, and cows were pleantiful and inspiring.  It is good to attend small country churches.  Some times we find ourselves in situations where others think you are not handling the situation as you should, but you know differently.  In times like that you can experence lonelyness that is hard to handle.  Then we are comferted by the Lord.  He can and will give us the hug when we need it.  We can always count on his promises.  Don't see how people who don't know the Lord survive.  It is good to visit a small country church where people welcome you without knowing you.


Friday, May 30, 2008

It's Broke

That's right its broke.  The 5th meta carpal of the left hand.  Was using hand operated  mower on a steep slope and it got away and in the effort rescue it my hand twisted.  When I told the x-ray guy he said the same thing hasppended to him.  I now have a strapon   imobilizer.  I have been told      that it is the Lord's way of telling me to slow down,  I don't think so.  Later. 


Thursday, May 29, 2008


Thursday May 29, 2008
Yesterday we had visitors who were friends I thought did not know where we lived since we had sold the house.  They went out of their way to make the effort to find us.  It got me thinking on how we relare to the people we know.  Do we forget  them? Do we make an extra effort to keep in touch?  How are we at keeping in touch with God?  Or the people in our family.  Do we take those who are close to us too  casually.    
Well today I worked outside mowing and shoveling.  Can't seem to get away with  doing liter jobs or fishing.  Maybe tomorrow I can  concentrate on promises.